Reduce your
vision model spending by 60%+

What we do

We help you cut the cost of vision related requests to LLMs in your startup, by training or fine-tuning custom computer vision models for your use case.


Visual Question Answering

Gemini 1.5 Pro

Cells in Mitosis

Prompt: What is happening to the three cells in the center diagonal of this image? (short answer)

Response: The cells in the center diagonal are undergoing mitosis. This is evident from the visible chromosomes, spindle fibers, and breaking down nuclear envelope.

$0.00200 per request

or $1 for 500 requests

9.5 seconds

average response time

Custom Model

This model was trained using model distillation on a custom biology dataset.

Cells in Mitosis

Prompt: What is happening to the three cells in the center diagonal of this image? (short answer)

Response: The three cells are in different stages of mitosis: anaphase (top, chromosomes separating), prophase (middle, chromosomes condensing), and metaphase (bottom, chromosomes aligned in the center).

$0.00050 per request

or $1 for 2,000 requests

3.4 seconds

average response time

Image Captioning

GPT-4o (gpt-4o-2024-08-06)

Line of Dogs

Prompt: How many dogs are in this image? Output a JSON in the following format: {"dogs": 3}

Response: {"dogs": 7}

$0.00291 per request

or $1 for 344 requests

711 milliseconds

average response time

Custom Model

This model was trained using model distillation (from GPT-4o) to count the number of dogs in an image.

Line of Dogs

Response: {"dogs": 7}

$0.0001 per request

or $1 for 10,000 requests

104 milliseconds

average response time

Object Detection and Counting

GPT-4o (gpt-4o-2024-08-06)

Line of Dogs

Prompt: How many dogs are in this image? Output a JSON in the following format: {"dogs": 3}

Response: {"dogs": 7}

$0.00291 per request

or $1 for 344 requests

711 milliseconds

average response time

Custom Model

This model was trained using model distillation to count the number of dogs in an image.

Line of Dogs

Response: {"dogs": 7}

$0.0001 per request

or $1 for 10,000 requests

104 milliseconds

average response time


Model Training


  • Compile a custom dataset to use during training
  • Distill an existing model to create a application-specific model OR train a new model from scratch

We take on the risk: If we can't develop a cheaper model with the same accuracy within the next 14 days this fee will be refunded.

Inference API

Replicate cost + 10%

Our priority is on training accurate, cost-effective models, not managing inference. We use Replicate for deployment, offering a reliable API with top performance. A 10% markup on Replicate’s fees covers our operational costs.